The deck is dedicated to the NO1R style, in fact, each figure represent a classic character of NO1R stories. Pr1me NO1R edition features: 52 cards + 2 jokers + 2 Bonus Cards. NO1R Style. Hand Drawn. Linen Finished, Durable, Beautiful. New Ace's decoration. Design of Jacks, Queens, and Kings completely from the original Pr1me. Spades = Police Hearts = Mafia Clubs = Normal People Diamonds = Rich People Joker 1 = Casino's Dealer Joker 2 = Death casino's dealer
Pr1Me Noir
Pr1Me Noir
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Max MagicEdition
-Release Year
2014Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
-Card Styles
Bordered, LinenShopping
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