Funded as a Kickstarter project on April 10, 2014 with $116,525 pledged, this was a set of two decks (Continental & The Crown) in three variations (Standard, Limited, Display) for a total of 6 decks. Designed by Jackson Robinson through Kings Wild Project, this deck features the theme of the United States struggle for independence against Britain. This PCDB Entry is for The Crown Display Deck which was the same cards as the Limited version, but with a plain style tuck case so collectors could feel free to use this deck and keep the actual Limited deck safe. The Independence decks also won the Best Ace of Spades award from UnitedCardists 2014 Deck of the Year
Independence, The - The Crown Ltd. Display Deck
Independence, The - The Crown Ltd. Display Deck
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This deck is currently in:
Kings Wild ProjectEdition
-Release Year
2014Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
-Card Stock
Jackson RobinsonCard Styles
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