Jeu Bonaparte (Green)

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Jeu Bonaparte (Green)

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Deck made around 1982 which is a copy of a set originally printed in 1858 in Paris. The court cards represent Napoleon and his family. A standard 52 cards and 2 jokers. The text on the jokers reads: National fund for historical monuments and sites. Rough translation follows of text around Royals and Aces: Hearts: King - Emperor Napoleon born in Ajjaccio (Corsica) on August 15th 1769, Chief of the Imperial Dynasty, Proclaimed May 18th 1804 Queen - Empress Josephine, FIrst wife of napoleon IEP, were of Queen Hortense, Born in Martinique in 1762, Dead in 1814 Jack - Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland 1806, Father of HM The Emperor, Abdicated 1810, Born in 1778, Died in Florence in 1848 Ace - Isle of Elba, sharing or destiny, Napoleon's kingdom for 9 months, after the abdication of 1815, Arrival on May 4th, Departure Feb 20th 1815 Clubs King - Emperor Napoleon II, Proclaimed at 3 years of age June 23rd 1815, Son of Napoleon 1st, Died in Vienna, Austria in 1832 Queen - Empress Marie- Louise, Born Archduchess of Austria in 1791, Mother of Napoleon II, Died October 2nd 1847 Jack - Jerome Bonaparte, Grand Admiral, King of Westphalia from 1807 to 1813, Uncle of S M Emperor, Son-in-law of the late King Frederick of Wurttemberg Ace - Saint Helena, Death Island, Landing at St Helene in 1815, 5 years and 5 months captive, Died 5th May 1821 at 11 minutes past 6 of the evening. Diamonds King - S. M. Napoleon III, Born in Paris, April 20th 1808, Nephew of Napoleon I, Proclaimed 2nd Dec 1852 Queen - H. M. Empress Eugenie, Nee Countess of Theba, Spain, Mother of S.A. the Prince Imperial, Married Emperor Napoleon 29 January 1853 Jack - Joseph Bonaparte ,Grand Elector, King of Spain from 1808 to 1813, Uncle of H.M. the Emperor, Born in 1768, died in Florence in 1844 Ace - Chateau of Ham, captivity, Entry into Hams Chateau in 1840, 5 years and 5 months captive, escape of Prince in May in 1846 Spades King - Napoleon Prince Imperial, Eugene, Jean, Louis, Joseph, Born in Paris on March 16th 1856, 15 days before the peace signature. Queen - Queen Hortense, Wife of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, Mother of H.M. the Emperor, died 7th October 1847 in Switzerland Jack - Prince Lucien Bonaparte, Member of the French academy, Uncle of H.M. the Emperor, Born in 1775, Died in Viterbo in 1840 Ace - Isle of Corsica, birth. 7 years after the reunion in France, Arrival of Napoleon the Great, the 2nd of the 5 Bonaparte brothers

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