Olympia Underworld

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Olympia Underworld

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for scans of each card see http://www.marytcusack.com/maryc/decks/html/Cards/OlympiaUnderworld.html Olympia is an original set of American playing cards designed by Steve Minty and produced by the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC). The deck is inspired by the fascinating stories of Greek Gods and their deeds. Olympia blends the classical beauty of Greek Sculptures with the elegant and sleek lines of modern design. I spent countless hours as a child devouring their stories about love, betrayal, death, vengeance and the heroic deeds within Greek Mythology. I couldn't help but be fascinated by the these stories and it is something that I am very proud of being exposed to. My goal when creating the Olympia Deck was to capture the beauty of Greek sculptures in a new medium of playing cards while simultaneously updating it with a graphic twist. I aim to make this deck worthwhile enough to be given as an offering to the altars of the Gods.

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Johnny Whaam
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