The sequel to the "Capitalists" Playing Cards. The "House Of Cards" deck is about the road to the White House for U.S. Presidents. You read that right, UN-TIED not united, it is an intentional play on words to signify the United States cutting the ties of injustice and bigotry that has made up such a large part of its history. The entire point of the UnTied States brand is to be a symbol of acceptance and inclusion of all people no matter what their background may be. The "House of Cards" deck, another play on words, is about the overall top and worst rated Presidents and their iconic address of 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd. This deck features the "Good", the "Bad", and the "Ugly" it's all just a way to symbolize the dichotomy of the Human condition. Funded on Kickstarter Mar 5 2016 - Apr 4 2016 (30 days) by 182 backers
Untied States House Of Cards
Untied States House Of Cards
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Ember WavesEdition
StandardRelease Year
2016Production Run
1000Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
-Card Styles
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