The first installment of a new collection of decks called "EL DORADO" This group of cards is dedicated to the Mayan culture, it's symbolism, codex, poems, and jewelry. Just like the previous decks I created, these are made to introduce culture to new and old generations through games like playing cards and others. For the Kings I used some emperors and Gods shining in their duties. The Queens are illustrated with Mayan ladies executing some tasks. Finally the Jacks, my favorites, have some animals having fun. They all come from existing ancient codex.
El Dorado Maya - Golden Edition
El Dorado Maya - Golden Edition
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Emmanuel ValtierraEdition
GoldenRelease Year
2017Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
Emmanuel ValtierraCard Styles
Bordered, SmoothShopping
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