Scans of each card can be seen at Equinox - Yellow and blue tuck box - unlimited* Lunatica Solstice - Orange and violet tuck box - unlimited* Lunatica Chimera - Limited to max 1500 units*, same cards as Lunatica Equinox - Holographic and Green foil on blue paper - with custom seal Lunatica Phoenix - Limited to max 1500 units*, same cards as Lunatica Solstice - with custom seal - Holographic and Orange foil on violet paper - with custom seal * Unlimited editions are usually printed in 2500 units and won't be reprinted again. Chimera and Phoenix versions might be less (but no more) than 1500 units. The end, disproportion and death. Solstice is the symbol of the waning Moon. The Spades are the symbol of the cold, clever evil: The Dark Knight, the Queen of Solitude and the King of Evil. The Hearts are the symbol of passion: The Thief or Hearts, the Queen of Seduction and the King of Pleasure. The Clubs are the symbol of righteous good: The Paladin, the Peaceful Lady and the Righteous Ruler. The Diamonds are the symbol of evil fury: The Shocked Guard, the Envious Countess and the Hate Preacher. The Jokers are the symbol of the Dogma and Chaos: the Archbishop and the Charming Witch. The Solstice occurs twice each year, around June 21 and December 22 - The day of the solstice has either the most sunlight of the year (summer solstice) or the least sunlight of the year (winter solstice) for any place other than the equator. In Lunatica, Solstice is the symbol of the extreme unbalance, the end and Death.
Lunatica Solstice
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Lunatica Solstice
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Lunatica Solstice
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Thirdway IndustriesEdition
SolsticeRelease Year
2018Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
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Giovanni MeroniCard Styles
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