Dedalo Apeiron (Without Seal)

Dedalo Apeiron (Without Seal) Card Detail Image

Dedalo Apeiron (Without Seal)

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For scans of every image: Kickstarter project successfully raised €45,342 with 683 backers on July 10, 2016 Custom poker size playing cards. Inspired by mythology, drawn with a sharp and modern style, printed by EPCC. Everyone has an immortal spirit, who lives forever. The Prince of Owl has an heroic spirit. Everyone will remember his valor forever. Brave and cruel beyond limits. He's my hero, as well. The Owl King is proud, but scared. His son is risking his life. If he doesn't survive, the depths will take his soul. The Prince of Labyrinth had a short life. But his ambition will be immortal. Not wise, but brave. The King of Labyrinth is a true genius. Everything and everyone is connected to him. Yes, Traveller, he's the one. The Taurus Prince's death caused the war between Taurus and Owl. He was valiant, but another hero clouded his reputation. Taurus King will be furious for eternity. He was the most powerful man, but he couldn't do anything against a Genius and an Hero. His spouse will be forever ashamed. The God of War was watching from a distance. He wanted more violence, but his sister was keeping him busy. Love, or Wisdom? The God of Lightning is the God of Gods. Powerful, crazy and without limits. Many are his sons. The Goddess of Faith was betrayed a lot of times. But she always had vengance. Poison and snakes are her favourite weapon. The Problem was solved. Imprisoned by a genius, betrayed by his sister, killed by an hero. Now his human soul is finally free. The Solution is happy, now. She forgot everything, she stands by the God of Wine. She will be remembered as a Goddess as well. This particular deck doesn't feature the numbered seal that can be found on Suprema decks that were pledged for by backers during the kickstarter campaign. When Thirdway Industries produces a limited deck there is usually some overproduction (2-300 extra decks usually) that are wrapped without the seal. These are occasionally sold as part of bundles, on special occasions like Black Friday, or upon request for a reduced price.

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Expert Playing Card Company
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