Scans of each card can be seen at and contemporary art meet within this stylish Tarot set, bringing simplicity to your personal story. The spirits within the shadows of your life are dancing through this symbolic collection of 78 mesmerizing Tarot cards. Find characters from your past, present, and future, offering reflections of your childhood or glimpses of a potential future. The card silhouettes transcend age, gender, and ethnicity as the figures effortlessly morph into friends or enemies, family and colleagues, or even the most intimate aspects of yourself. They provide a mirror for your intuition and act as a light to follow. Each of the 78 Tarot “voices” are described within the accompanying handbook along with keywords and meanings—a road map for the seeker. The symbols, set in a world we can all identify with, are easy to interpret, and recognized as traditional. This long-awaited deck is your traveling companion—whether a beginner or seasoned reader—for the journey ahead.
Spirit Within Tarot

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Spirit Within Tarot
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Schiffer PublishingEdition
-Release Year
2018Production Run
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TarotCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
Schiffer PublishingArtist
Stephen BrightBarcode
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