Not According To Hoyle (Deck 1) [Brown & Bigelow]

Not According To Hoyle (Deck 1) [Brown & Bigelow] Card Detail Image

Not According To Hoyle (Deck 1) [Brown & Bigelow]

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After the success of the “Win, Lose or Draw” 2-deck set of 1945 featuring the pin-up art of Earl MacPherson, Brown & Bigelow published a double bridge deck set in 1946 titled “Not According to Hoyle,” again featuring MacPherson’s artwork. As in the previous set, the promotional advertising is printed on the outside box, while the card backs bear no ad copy. This time there are two different models, a blonde and a brunette, but the card playing theme continues, as each girl holds a 5-card poker hand. A new joker design with a new poem is featured, and a calendar card from 1946 is included (on the calendar card, the ad copy from the outside box is reproduced). As with the earlier “Win, Lose or Draw” set, enough copies of “Not According to Hoyle” were sold and distributed that 75 years later the secondary market for this collector piece is strong. Note: (a) As with the listing of the earlier set, each deck is delineated separately here to account for collectors who may have one surviving full deck but not the other. (b) My outside box has some damage, so I am using a different web-sourced cover image here for accuracy, and am including my scanned deck as is for the gallery. (c) This set uses the more familiar B&B spade ace design, while the set from 1945 uses the 3 colored Minnesota loon design (at least in my copies). The blonde spade ace adds the initials R.I. below, the brunette does not.

Brown & Bigelow
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Brown & Bigelow
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