The new Phoenix SUM Deck 2.0! S.U.M. has nothing to do with math, the initials stand for Set Up Marked. It is the stacked, marked deck that needs no calculation or memorization whatsoever -- the deck does all the work! You don't have to decipher esoteric markings or remember formulae, everything is literally spelled out for you. The second generation of the SUM Deck is based on the Roy Johnson's SUM Deck that we released in cooperation with Martin Lewis in 2009. This new deck uses our popular Phoenix marking and also gives info about the card above, the number of cut-off cards, the stack number in the Tamariz Mnemonica system and includes some other features. It has never been easier to use the Tamariz stack without knowing it thoroughly, and to perform amazing effects while getting used to the Memorized Stack (if you like). -The deck appears to be in completely random order. -There is absolutely no calculation or memorization required. -Can also be used as a normal marked deck.
Phoenix Sum 2.0 (Red)
Phoenix Sum 2.0 (Red)
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