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Trident Deluxe

Trident Deluxe Card Detail Image

Trident Deluxe

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The design is set on a solemn Black Foil background, with the Trident traced in bright Bronze Foil lines, symbolizing Poseidon’s fierce nature in the face of adversity. The overall style appears almost industrial with an innovative look which is achieved by a clever combination of modern technology and elements from myths and legends. On top of the eye-catching foil lines, the Trident deck surprises with a stunning opening structure. The eight-piece card box is made out of 330 grams of matte finish black cardboard paper. The making of this box takes 8 times more paper than an ordinary box, and therefore the deck feels luxuriously heavy. When you pull on each side of the box, it spreads out, the eight buckles sliding smoothly down the slide rails. Each section is crafted with utmost precision and allows the box to fan out into a perfect 145-degree angle. Compared with the previous classic Luna Moon series, the Trident box has seen a significant improvement in structure and craftsmanship. We have designed a new magnetic opening and closing system and devised a self locking system with the structure of buckles and slide rails that no longer use a band to hold the pieces together. Therefore, the card box can be kept in a perfectly unfolded state and set on the table for everyone to admire. When the box is spread out, you can notice that each piece is lined by a Copper Foil line, which traces the trident-shaped cutouts. However, when you fold the box, the eight parts come together to create a window through which the trident can be seen, and the Copper Foil lines form a stunning halo, as if the mythical weapon was emitting a dazzling light. KickStarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/trident-playing-card/trident-playing-cards

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