25Eme Anniversaire De La Presence Pied Noir En France

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25Eme Anniversaire De La Presence Pied Noir En France

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Blue variant of the deck. Illustrated by Marius Silvestre. There are 56 cards, including 2 Jokers and 2 title cards, which show the French involvement in Algeria (1830-1962 French presence). The court cards depict Arab and French military and religious figures, with various arms on the Aces. The back design features 2 sets of Pieds Noirs (Black Feet) which is a term referring to French citizens who lived in French Algeria before independence. Specifically, Pieds Noirs include those of European settlers descent from France or other European countries (such as Spain, Italy & Malta), who were born in Algeria. From the French invasion on 18 June 1830, until its independence, Algeria was administratively part of France. Published by Grimaud with French indices on all 4 corners: Roi, Dame, Valet. The court cards depict notable people. HEARTS: Ace CONSTANTINE King ABD EL KADER Queen KAHENA Jack SPAHI CLUBS: Ace D\'ORAN King BUGEAUD Queen VIERGE BLANCHE Jack TITAILLEUR DIAMONDS: Ace CROIX DU SUD King BEY HUSSEIN Queen FATIMA Jack SAHARIEN SPADES: Ace D\'ALGER King CHARLES X Queen VIERGE NOIRE Jack ZOUAVE JOKER MAIN DE FATMA

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