Sins Anima (No Seal)

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Sins Anima (No Seal)

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When Thirdway Industries produces a limited deck there is usually some overproduction (2-300 extra decks usually) that are wrapped without the seal. These are occasionally sold as part of bundles, on special occasions like Black Friday, or upon request for a reduced price. Symbology about the backs and the decks The backs of SINS represents Eden, the place where the first Sin happened. In SINS Mentis, Eve was planning to eat the Apple of Knowledge, but she didn't actually do that - so Eden was bright. In SINS Corpus, Eve ate the Apple and she was banned. Without her and Adam, an eternal night fell on Eden. This means, chronologically, that SINS Corpus happened after SINS Mentis. In SINS Anima, Adam and Eve realized they're the first two humans in the world. They are banned, frail and mortal. But after they ate the Apple, they also are full of self-knowledge. They became the first two dreamers. Eden is now empty and is red. Red like blood and hell fire - but also red like the heart, passion and life. The three decks also represents the philosophy behind the name Thirdway Industries: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

No Seal
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