This is not just a deck of cards for me. The Innocence Playing Cards are the only cards I would use for the rest of my life. With your help I was able to print 2500 decks through Kickstarter in 2018. Eight months passed from the first dot to the final printed deck. They sold out in a few months. Since then I always thought about a reprint. But since the deck is so close to my heart reprinting also felt kind of wrong. Without these thoughts I could have reprinted the deck much earlier. The reason why I finally decided to reprint them is that I don't like the thought that this deck isn't available for those who really like them. And of course I'm happy about some new decks that I can use. It's not really a second edition and I don't want to print the deck in 500 different colors. Even if it could look great. That isn't the initial idea of this deck or the reason why these cards exist. I just updated the faces with my redrawn courts. And these Innocence Playing Cards will be my first decks with a matte tuck box printed by the Clove St. Press.
Innocence Matte
Innocence Matte
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This deck is currently in:
Black Roses Playing CardsEdition
matteRelease Year
2021Production Run
2500Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
premium thin crushedPrinter
Daniel SchneiderCard Styles
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