This deck is the version Kings Wild Project sold on their website. The tucks are colored printing on white tuck boxes, as opposed to the Eric Church website version that was printed on colored tuck boxes. This deck was a collaboration by Kings Wild Project and the country music artist Eric Church. There are three variants: Heart, Soul, and Ampersand. The Heart and Soul decks are named after the Heart & Soul triple album Eric Church released earlier this year. All with different tuck cases, each deck features similar but intricate, unique designs. Each design embodies the beauty of country music and the inspiration behind it; Heart & Soul. The deck features Kings Wild standard court cards but with a patriotic twist. The diptych joker features a true patriotic symbol of the Bald Eagle and American Flag. Printed by the United States Playing Card Co. on Bicycle Premium Stock.
Eric Church (Soul) - Kings Wild Edition
Eric Church (Soul) - Kings Wild Edition
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This deck is currently in:
Kings Wild ProjectEdition
Soul (KWP Edition)Release Year
2021Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
Jackson RobinsonCard Styles
Bordered, Air-Cushion®Shopping
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