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Divergent Realms, Gottlieb (Concealed Gilded)

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Divergent Realms, Gottlieb (Concealed Gilded)

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Visually emphasizing that there is no clear line of demarcation between the explained and the unexplained, each of the Divergent Realms playing card decks, named after archetypal characters and masterminds who pioneered the historic studies in various fields, will showcase popular topics ranging from dangerous advances in technology, ancient aliens, psychic phenomena, parallel worlds, quantum and supernatural mysticism. Blackout Brother (Charles Adi) returns to design this challenging, fascinating and brand new playing card series series by Costa Pantazis that will keep you coming back campaign after campaign (and universe after universe). The first of the series, Divergent Realms Playing Cards' Gottlieb Deck will feature hand-crafted detailed artwork, red metallic inks and foil embossed tuck-boxes. The Gottlieb Deck (Mind Control) - named after Sidney Gottlieb who was an American chemist and spymaster best known for his involvement with the C.I.A's mind control program, known as Project MKUltra, where he supervised experiments in mind control. He became known as the "Black Sorcerer" and the "Dirty Trickster. Divergent Realms Playing Cards' Gottlieb Deck [Concealed Edition]: 56 Custom Playing Cards Manufactured on Premium Playing Card Stock Foil and Embossing on Tuck Boxes Metallic Gold inks on the front and backs of the cards Interior Tuck Print Design Numbered Seals Printed in the USA by USPCC KickStarter: htpps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/costapantazis/divergent-realms-playing-card-series-vol-1-gottlieb-deck-0

Costa Pantazis
Concealed Gilded
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Bordered, Air-Cushion®
Card Fronts
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