Invocation - Legacy (Copper)

Invocation - Legacy (Copper) Card Detail Image

Invocation - Legacy (Copper)

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As I was searching for a creative direction for a new project, a song began to play on my playlist that really caught my attention. My wife sometimes calls me a nerd in my choice of music. I enjoy listening to all types of music but when I am working I seem to find the most focus listening to instrumental music from cinema, games, and other types of media. This song captivated me, and it was the catalyst for the entire project. I put it on repeat and listened to it to all day while creating a completely new set of court cards from the images of, what I would describe as a mixture of Sci-Fi and Fantasy. The designs that transpired over the course of the day were promising to me, and most of very different from any of my previous work. The title of the deck was actually derived from the title of the song that sparked it, This is the Copper version of the Legacy Invocation 2-Deck set. Both decks come inside a hand-made wooden box with magnetic locks. Please note, the band was placed upside-down on the Copper deck.

Copper Legacy
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