IRON KINGS - 54 cards in a deck, printed on 310gsm, linen (air cushion finish) cardstock paper. Designed and illustrated by Johnny Whaam. "Iron Kings" were inspired by medieval tales thru centuries, from the times when battles were fought with swords, axes, halberds, crossbows...and armour suit, helmet and shield were necessary equipment for warriors. Tuck-box front, Back, Aces, Court cards...hand drawn, hand painted ! All court cards,...Kings, Queens and Jacks in armour, custom design, never seen before, each different with beautiful colors carefully chosen for each card. No faces shown, that's the specific of this design,...anybody can be hiding behind that helmet. Maybe even you ;) Kings are wearing crowns, massive and dominant figures, wealthy and they show it. Queens are slimmer, tough and beautiful girls (can't you tell :D) And Jacks, they're the brave, expendable warriors.
Iron Kings
Iron Kings
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This deck is currently in:
Xtu ProductionsEdition
-Release Year
2013Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
-Card Stock
Johnny WhaamCard Styles
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