Unusual set of 52 cards, with no jokers. The box states they are British manufacture by Alf Cooke of Leeds and London. The Ace names the Arrco Playing Card Co, Chicago. Made in the USA. Arrco printed a reverse color deck in the 50s and 60s. Magicians and card players with a sense of mischief bought them. (thanks to Chris Turner) The red and black printing is reversed: Clubs and Spades are Red, Diamonds and Hearts are Black. The box cannot be the original. The card stuck on the back is the joker of the set inside. On the side of the tuck box in pencil is written, "M/R Deck" If this stands for marked deck and the idea was to make it look like an ordinary set, then there doesn't appear to be any marks on the back of the deck.
Club De Luxe
Club De Luxe
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This deck is currently in:
Alf Cooke LimitedEdition
-Release Year
1955Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
ModifiedCard Stock
Arrco Playing Card CompanyArtist
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