A wonderful deck of brilliantly conceived and rendered cards, described as “protective playing cards.” The court cards depict specific individuals, but otherwise, each card states on its face that it provides protection from one of life’s threats, stressors, etc. These cards are terrific. It is impossible to say too many good things about them. Take the Jokers, for example. The Jokers are “complementary” in the sense that they relate to each other in a very clever and profound way. One Joker shows a pelican framed by an idyllic ocean setting with the words, “Protection from Delusions,” while the other Joker shows the same pelican victimized by an oil spill and other environmental degradation in the ocean with the words, “Protection from Crippling Despair.” Almost every card offers this kind of thought provoking insight. The deck is smart, affecting, humorous, touching, and hip. The deck has 52 suited cards, plus 2 Jokers, plus an extra card that offers “Protection from What Remains Undone.” In addition, there is an extra card that identifies the persons depicted on the court cards, including Herman Melville, Walt Whitman and Virginia Woolf.
Portable Fortitude

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Portable Fortitude
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Portable Fortitude
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Portable Fortitude
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Portable Fortitude
This deck is currently in:
Self PublishedEdition
-Release Year
2010Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
Corina DrossBarcode
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