Enuma Elder

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Enuma Elder

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Inspired by Babylon epic poem call "ENUMA ELISH" that tells the battle between ELDER GODS and their leader MARDUK, and ANCIENT ONES and the evil creature TIAMAT. We created 2 version of the deck, ENUMA ELDER & ENUMA ANCIENT. The Deck use a UGARITIC CUNEIFORM CODE for the names and for some graphic elements (All backers can find the complete translation code in the Enuma grimoire booklet) Enuma is also inspired by SIMON NECRONOMICON, a grimoire of magic rituals, conjurations & invocations written by an unknown author, with an introduction by a man identified only as "Simon". Included in the Simon Necronomicon there is a variant of the Enuma Elish poem. It relates how MARDUK (leader of the Elder Gods) slew TIAMAT (queen of the Ancient Ones), clove her body in two and created the Heaven and the Earth from the 2 halves. The Elder Gods also created mankind from the blood of KINGU, the Lord Commander of the Army of the Ancient Ones Each Power have a name, a seal, and a weapon. Each cards in the deck has a name and a seal (for invoke the power)of one of fifty power. But...there are also other 3 important seals in the deck Herebelow the complete distribution of the Seals in the 54 deck cards: - 50 seals of the Fifty Power of Marduk in 50 cards - The Crown of Anu in the King of Clubs - The Copper Dagger of Inanna in the Queen of Hearts - The Frontlet of Calling in the 2 Jokers The back of the cards is inspired by The Gate of Ishtar, the eighth gate of the inner city of Babylon. It was built around 575 BC. under King Nebuchadnezzar II in the northern part of the city. There is some elements of the Gate that came to light during the first excavations in Babylon in 1897. The elements in the back of cards they will be printed in METALLIC INKS COPPER/SILVER to increase the effects of decorations and for have an awesome reflected effects. The Tuck Box it's also inspired of The Gate of Ishtar with, in the front of tuck , the Ishtar's statue, in the top flaps there are some verses from the Necronomicon. The statue, animals illustrations, columns, frames, decor, some of this element are EMBOSSING in final version of tuck. All ENUMA decks they will have an EXCLUSIVE CUSTOM SEAL. The decks will be printed with 2 METALLIC INKS also in the faces. For the ELDER version , the pips and some elements of illustrations have COPPER & BLUE METALLIC INKS. The ENUMA ELDER are the version of the decks who represent THE ELDER GODS. In the Courts there are represented the greatest Babylonian Divinities: - King of Clubs - ANU "WATCHER OF THE SKIES" - King of Diamonds - ANSHAR "GOD OF THE SKIES" - King of Hearts - TAMMUZ "MASTER OF THE NATURE" - King of Spades - MARDUK "GOD OF BABYLON" - Queen of Clubs - ANTU "GODDESS OF THE MOTHER EARTH" - Queen of Diamonds - KINSHAR "GODDESS OF THE WORLD LAND" - Queen of Hearts - ISHTAR "QUEEN OF THE NIGHT" - Queen of Spades - SARPANITUM "GODDESS OF BABYLON" - Jack of Clubs - ENLIL "JUDGE OF THE GODS" - Jack of Diamonds - OENASS "THE FISHMAN GOD" - Jack of Hearts - ENKI "FATHER OF THE GODS" - Jack of Spades - NABU "ORACLE OF THE GODS" THE ACES IN ENUMA ELDER VERSION THE ACES IN ENUMA ELDER VERSION The Pips in ENUMA decks are completely Custom hand drawing. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nemesisfactory/enuma-playing-cards-by-nemesis-factory

Nemesis Factory
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NoirArts Playing Cards Company (NPCC)
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