Kickstarter The Night Parade of One Hundred Demons Playing Cards takes its inspiration from the captivating world of Japanese folklore and the mesmerizing tales of yokai, mythical creatures deeply rooted in Japanese mythology. Our aim is to transport you into a realm where the supernatural coexists with the ordinary, and where ancient legends come to life through beautifully designed playing cards. Drawing from a rich tapestry of yokai folklore, we have carefully selected a diverse array of these mythical beings to feature in the deck. From mischievous tricksters to fearsome spirits, each card showcases a unique yokai, capturing their essence and distinct characteristics through intricate illustrations. Our team of talented artists has dedicated themselves to breathe life into these creatures, ensuring that every card tells its own captivating story. The deck features 54 totally different monsters, some are more iconic, some are niche yet mischievous. We guarantee to capture your attention with these monsters and ignite your love for them. Experience the pinnacle of craftsmanship with our Night Parade of One Hundred Demons Playing Cards. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these cards are made from premium materials, featuring 300gsm/ 270gsm paper stock and Velvety Finish, printed by Room One Cards, ensuring durability and a luxurious feel. From the smooth handling to the vibrant colors, every aspect of these cards exudes supreme quality, making them a true treasure for any card enthusiast. The MYSTIC Edition is the Marked Deck Version of Night Parade of One Hundred Demons Playing Cards. Deck Overview Puzzle Playing Cards & Tuckbox Transformation Playing Cards Animation Playing Cards Fully Customized Design Extra Collector's Tuck box - "Shoji" Supreme Quality
Hyakki Yagyō (Mystic Edition)
Hyakki Yagyō (Mystic Edition)
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This deck is currently in:
Bloom Playing CardsEdition
MYSTICRelease Year
2024Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
-Card Stock
Room One CardsArtist
M. Candice, P. TorresCard Styles
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