Kickstarter Campaign Page Revenant is the sequel to Fantasma, the Ghost-inspired, ephemeral series of poker playing cards designed by Thirdway Industries in 2023. This project uses experimental printing techniques, primarily neon ink (fluorescent under blacklight) and invisible ink (visible only under blacklight). Fantasma Ectoplasm and Fantasma Vision, are the main decks of the project, both printed by Boschiero&Newton (boxes) and USPCC (cards). Both decks include the same cards, but are housed in completely different tuckboxes. Unlike the original Fantasma cards, Revenant cards are printed with Neon ink: this means the artwork is visible in normal light conditions, and a blacklight is NOT required to reveal the design. The "Ectoplasm" version has a traditional tuckbox made with experimental materials. The box is printed on a custom neon paper created by Boschiero exclusively for this project. Ectoplasm Box is also printed with yellow neon foil and holographic black foil.
Fantasma Ectoplasm
Fantasma Ectoplasm
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This deck is currently in:
Thirdway IndustriesEdition
EctoplasmRelease Year
2024Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
-Card Stock
Giovanni MeroniCard Styles
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