Cirque Luciole is an imaginary and visionary ensemble of spectacular stage performers known as “The Fireflies”, from Paris in the early 1920’s. It is a group cast of mentalists, illusionists, magicians, and acrobats who are performing grand acts to bring marvels to your eyes. The deck is available in two editions: Stella Nova and Luna Polaris. Each of the editions has a print run of 3000 decks and it comes with a custom numbered seal placed on the bottom of the box. Stella Nova deck features tuck box in premium dark blue pearlescent stock adorned with elegant, embossed gold foil details. It features intricate artwork of stars and the moon within the metallic framework. The box features UV elements: stars will glow under UV light. The back design of the cards mirrors the artwork featured on the box. The court cards presented for this edition are shown as two-way character illustrations.
Cirque Luciole - Stella Nova
Cirque Luciole - Stella Nova
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This deck is currently in:
Isolated ThunderstormEdition
Stella NovaRelease Year
2024Production Run
3000Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
NoirArts Playing Cards Company (NPCC)Artist
Marianne LarsenCard Styles
Bordered, Premium LinenShopping
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