Amidst the vastness of the cosmos, a diverse crew of humans, aliens, and robots embarks on a perilous journey aboard their spaceship, the Cosmo Voyager. Tasked with finding a new galaxy for the survival of both species, they navigate through asteroid fields and nebulae, their ship a beacon of hope cutting through the darkness of space. As they encounter unknown civilizations and unearth ancient mysteries, the Cosmo Voyager becomes not just a vessel but a symbol of unity and determination, propelling them forward into the unknown... The Spaceship Playing Cards Cosmo Voyager Edition, a stellar addition to our Arsenal Series, represents the culmination of a two-year journey blending traditional playing cards with mesmerizing 3D paper-cut art. Whether you're a collector, a card enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates unique artwork, this deck is destined to stand out proudly on your shelf. Not just a set of cards, the Spaceship Playing Cards also narrates a captivating tale of intergalactic adventure, where humans and aliens join forces in the vast expanse of space. A colossal spaceship-shaped box, containing a one-of-a-kind space themed deck of playing cards. Introducing a detachable "Escape Hatch" that illuminates as the spaceship unfolds, adding an extra element of wonder to the experience. The tuck case is infused with 3 different hot foils: Cyan, Holographic, and White on a premium matte finish paper. Advanced 3D Embossing Technologyapplied on the tuck case. Undergoes Laser Engraving, Hot Stamping, Laser Cutting, and Hand Assembly. Beautifully designed on casino quality card stock with metallic ink. Laser Engraving, Laser Cutting, Hot Stamping, and Hand Assembly.
Cosmo Voyager Spaceship
Cosmo Voyager Spaceship
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This deck is currently in:
Limited EditionRelease Year
2024Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
-Card Styles
Black Background, Bordered, One way courts, Luxury FinishShopping
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