Amidst the vastness of the cosmos, a diverse crew of humans, aliens, and robots embarks on a perilous journey aboard their spaceship, the Cosmo Voyager. Tasked with finding a new galaxy for the survival of both species, they navigate through asteroid fields and nebulae, their ship a beacon of hope cutting through the darkness of space. As they encounter unknown civilizations and unearth ancient mysteries, the Cosmo Voyager becomes not just a vessel but a symbol of unity and determination, propelling them forward into the unknown... The Spaceship Playing Cards Cosmo Voyager Edition, a stellar addition to our Arsenal Series, represents the culmination of a two-year journey blending traditional playing cards with mesmerizing 3D paper-cut art. Whether you're a collector, a card enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates unique artwork, this deck is destined to stand out proudly on your shelf. Not just a set of cards, the Spaceship Playing Cards also narrates a captivating tale of intergalactic adventure, where humans and aliens join forces in the vast expanse of space. The Stealth Edition for the Cosmo Voyager Spaceship comes a surprise mid-campaign. It is the color variant of the main one, only it is very limited Brand new color way of the Spaceship Edition with BLACK & RED FOIL on the tuck case. Limited to 500 decks! Cards are printed with RED & HOLOGRAPHIC COLD FOIL TECHNOLOGY on both the backs and the faces. Each deck will come with a unique foiled number seal 1 of 500. Kickstarter Exclusive so it will not be available after this campaign.
Cosmo Voyager Spaceship Stealth
Cosmo Voyager Spaceship Stealth
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This deck is currently in:
Kickstarter EditionRelease Year
2024Production Run
500Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
-Card Styles
Black Background, Bordered, One way courts, Luxury FinishShopping
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