This deck is unlike others similar to it as it has a "UP TO $5 In Savings Inside" coupon inside as advertised on the yellow sticker on the Tuck Box. This deck was produced in 2018. Deck features custom, uni-directional card back design. The stripes on the card back are full bleed and can be seen from the side of the deck when stacked. Court cards are modified standard, using the corporate colors of 7-Eleven (green/red/orange). Jokers are Bicycle Standard (one colored, one black-and-white). The deck MAY contain ad cards for discounted snack foods. Available at 7-Eleven stores
7-Eleven (7-11) Bicycle (2016)
7-Eleven (7-11) Bicycle (2016)
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-Release Year
2016Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
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