Full deck scan by macstrat @ https://cardscans.piwigo.com/index?/category/559-cartomancer The inspiration behind my project. Tarot; French cartomancy; transformation deck; analytical psychology; art; surrealism; symbolism; fingerprints; vintage prints; and illustrations (to name only a few.) Diamond: Sensation, perception with our senses, childhood and earth. Spade: Thinking, becoming part of society, early adulthood and air. Heart: Intuition, abundance and fertility, midlife and water. Club: Feeling, knowing without reasoning, late adulthood and fire. Why is this deck unique? Each card tells a story. The whole deck paints the landscape of our lives with vintage engravings and prints—the ideal synergy between significance and design in a pack of cards. There is nothing like it out there—that’s why I’m doing it! Cartomancy, divination? Yes, of course! The Cartomancer Poker Deck uses the existing structure of a standard deck of cards as a canvas for a new insightful cartomancy system. ALL the cards feature universal archetypes and symbols making it a very instinctive tool for divination. But if you're not into this, you will still enjoy the deck for its beauty and uniqueness. The deck also was shipped with a 32 page companion booklet the size of the box, containing an introduction to the deck, keyword meanings for each card, and ideas for divination. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/919324046/cartomancer-poker-deck-archetypal-playing-cards
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Court Cards
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Extra One
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Extra Three
Extra Four
Extra Five
Extra Six
Club Cards
Diamond Cards
Heart Cards
Spade Cards
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Alain BenoitEdition
-Release Year
2018Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
Alain BenoitCard Styles
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