In the childhood of many, "Alice in Wonderland" holds an unshakable position and fond memories, inspiring the childhood playing cards. Themed around "Alice in Wonderland," Lunzi pondered from which angle to present this classic, ultimately choosing the Card Soldiers encountered by Alice during her adventure as the main design. As a special edition of childhood playing cards, we've incorporated elements of the Cheshire Cat. Reflecting its elusive abilities, we've utilized Mirage Grating material for the construction of the card box to embody the Cheshire Cat's characteristic traits. From different angles, you can either see a complete Cheshire Cat or just its iconic grin. We've used the Cheshire Cat's iconic grin in the card back design, while also including a full-body image of the Cheshire Cat as a special card. We're particularly fond of the Cheshire Cat's elusive abilities, so much so that we've included an extra Easter egg in the special edition, waiting for lucky individuals to discover when they open the card box.
Childhood Special
Childhood Special
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TCC Playing Cards Co.Edition
SpecialRelease Year
2024Production Run
700Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
TCC Playing CardsArtist
LunziCard Styles
Bordered, One-Way, cardistryShopping
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