In the childhood of many, "Alice in Wonderland" holds an unshakable position and fond memories, inspiring the childhood playing cards. Themed around "Alice in Wonderland," Lunzi pondered from which angle to present this classic, ultimately choosing the Card Soldiers encountered by Alice during her adventure as the main design. Crafted from specialty paper, the box is surrounded by dense foliage, and just holding it in your hand gives a texture feedback akin to being in nature's embrace. In "Alice in Wonderland," the Card Soldiers are most strongly associated with playing cards, thus we've made them a primary design element. The cards feature oversized indices but still retain the classic element of suit symbols directly added to the card corners, mounted on wooden figures.
Childhood Standard
Childhood Standard
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TCC Playing Cards Co.Edition
StandardRelease Year
2024Production Run
-Card Size
PokerCourt Cards
CustomCard Stock
TCC Playing CardsArtist
LunziCard Styles
Bordered, One-Way, cardistryShopping
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